Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yesterday I woke up and went walking right away. NO TV, coffee, sitting around in my pajamas like usual. I got up, put on my clothes and shoes, had my son get dressed and we both went out for a walk. It was nice to have company even if I wasn't going as fast as I normally try to, and it gave my husband a chance to sleep in later too. (when I do this, he reciprocates the next day!) So off we went each with a bottle of water, we walked about 3/4 of a mile total but we had fun and got to spend time just talking and walking and catching up. We were home showered and ready to take on the day by 9:30!! After the hubby woke up I emptied the fridge and went shopping to fill it with HEALTHY food. I bought grapes, strawberries, oranges, bananas, blueberries, grapefruit, and low sugar apple sauce.
As I went about the rest of my day I noticed how great I felt. I mean really, really great!! I had energy, i wanted to get out and do things and I felt healthy. While today I did sleep in (a little) I got up and cleaned the kitchen and my bedroom and then did exercises on the ball. You know what? I still feel great!! my knee hurts a little because I need new walking shoes but I feel GREAT!!! I am ready to take on the world and shout off the rooftops! My only question is, how long will this feeling last?

Here is a picture of my son's breakfast (No syrup!) I had the same thing only with nutra grain waffles instead!


  1. I gave you an award on my blog! :-)

  2. Hope you don't mind but I'm adding you as one of my favorite blogs. Good luck on the weight loss and never give up.

  3. Great job honey!!!
    Feed off of that natural high - it will take you far. When you have periods of down time, just remember how great it feels to be healthy!!
    I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
